26th – 30th of July 2017
in Gellerup
in Gellerup
Theatre, debate, dance, circus, music and food from all over the world
EUTOPIA INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL is a multicultural festival about meeting. The meeting with the art, the meeting with each other, the meeting with other cultures, the meeting with the known, the meeting with the unknown, and most of all the meeting with one self through eye-opening experiences.
What place is more obvious to meet than Gellerup where more than 80 nationalities lives side by side.
In five days Gellerup will be the frame for a festival square with tents, scenes and small oasis, where everybody can experience, sense and meet. The festival offers no less than 10 Denmark premieres on plays, musical pieces and performances from more than 15 countries.
In the daytime it will be possible to come “back stage” when several artists and debaters meet each other in conversations about themselves, their art and life in our new multicultural world. There will be performances outside in tents, at EUTOPIA Stage and in private homes in Gellerup. In the night premieres on big international plays, and after dark it is time to contemplation, reflection and a little smile.